Sunday, March 18, 2007

Into The Field

I'm just a little excited. Tomorrow I'll be going to The Institute of Marine Research for five weeks of training. Only twice a week, but still. It'll be nice with something "real" for a change, 'cause I must admit I'm having some minor problems finding the motivation for studying in general. Maybe this will give me a little boost?

I still have to fit this into the schedule with my other course, with lectures and work groups, but it just have to work. And as always I'm very concerned that I might not be able to pull the semester off, but by judging from previous years I'll probably be OK after all. At least no one is taking me seriously when I complain, so I'll just have to keep my mouth shot...

And to make an exciting day even better I'll finish it off with a little visit. Someone has really started to be adventurous, and tonight he had a go at some home baked lemon cake, which I'm promised a tiny slice of tomorrow. Aren't I the lucky girl?

So, better hit the sack, need my (beauty) sleep. I'm not interested in making a fool out of my self the first day at "work"...