Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Thousand Words

Pablo Picasso: Embrace (1971)

This isn't the original post, 'cause luckily I have friends who'll help me see straight when I don't. I was too focused on what I really tried to convey, that I missed the point that I was being crude, and that is not a trait I'd like to be associated with.

But all in all, maybe this turned out OK anyway? I'll just leave the head line. You see, after all a look does say more than a thousand words, and maybe I now won't need a whole essay every time I want to express how I feel?


Toril said...

So you were having a conversation with the woman, eh?? Sorry, but I'm sure she will never talk to you as an adult and mature woman, because she is NOT!! I would love to say all sorts of stuff about this woman specie, but I better not - not in a public forum. I think the authority may arrest me and imprison me for the rest of my life once I was finished gnawing at her! Remember, you're not the only one she has walked all over, and certainly NOT the last!!!!

Keep your gift of gab for your friends, family, and others that are worth your precious time and friendship :)

Thinking about dinner next Wednesday in town with Silje and Synnøve, are you coming along, my friend????

Karin said...

Well, I see both you and Cindy read more into this post than was intended, and I therefore removed it. It obviously didn't come out the way I had in mind, but it's good to know someone's censoring me once in a while.

I had no intention of doing any washing of dirty linen in public. It's not like I get a kick out of hurting people deliberately, no matter how stupidly they have behaved. I'll leave that to others.

This time I was just too caught up in what I really wanted to say, that I didn't see how I started. Poor judgment, I guess, but to my defense I must say I was very emotional at the time.

Dinner in town? Sounds good, have to check my schedule though...

Toril said...

Writing in public is risky as people interpret the meaning of your intended intention vastly different... we all make mistakes on the way, so not to worry too much :)

Glad you're coming along to dinner, look forward to seeing you!