Monday, March 12, 2007


I love secrets. Or do I?

A secret could be so many things, and not all are that easy to keep, for different reasons. A friend could have told you something in confidence, and those secrets are easy to keep to yourself. Unless she or he in some way was hurting someone else. Luckily I haven't come across such a dilemma for a long time now.

A secret could be that you're daughter is turning fourteen and you've just bought the best gift ever which she'll never guess, and it's still four days until her birthday... That's the kind of secret I love, and I can't wait to see her face on Thursday!

A secret could be something you've done, which you know will hurt other people if they knew. But I do believe I'm behaving quite well most of the times, and I think all the skeletons in my closet have taken a hike long ago.

But I do have a secret, and I'm almost bursting here. I have been thinking about this a long time, but I don't think I ever told anyone about it. I believe in signs, not to the extent that I let myself be ruled by it though, and I've found out that I have a strong intuition. The past years I have started to act on that a lot more; and if I asked all of you who have known me from "before" I'm sure you'd agree that that probably was a wise decision. So gut feeling it is, and due to various coincidences I'm know having a secret. And as I'm also very impatient at times, I have serious problems not to tell you!

I'm frightfully excited, but I think I'll have to wait a week or so to reveal it.


Anonymous said...

Well - you have made at least one of your readers very curious.

Karin said...

Good, and you might be one of the first to know. But don't worry, I think you'll like it...