Wednesday, March 28, 2007

New Dancefloor

People care to write on the net about the most peculiar events. Like this one.

Hiam Sports & Social Club is "situated in the small village of Prickwillow some 4 miles from the city of Ely in Cambridgeshire, and has one of the best dance floors in East Anglia and holds regular Ballroom and Sequence Dances, Country Music Nights and Rock'n'Roll Nights." That's not strange, and their website seems to be quite well organized and not bad at all. I'm sure it's quite useful for their members and other who's interested in what's going on there. But they have recently installed a new dancefloor, and they documented the whole process!

Maybe not so strange after all, just look what I care to write about...


Anonymous said...

...document the whole process..? Hmmmm... no, I don't think so. ;)

Karin said...

You're absolutely right, some things are not meant to be perpetuated...

Better use imagination, I guess... ;)

Toril said...

How odd, I used to go shopping in Ely weekly while living in Cambridgeshire, and it has a beautiful cathedral that is worth more than just a flighty visit!! I have never heard about Hiam Sports & Social Club though, but I'm sure it's good. Should we pay a visit, maybe?? I could take you to some wonderful shops, and I sure could do with some wild dancing - sure miss it :) I've downloaded a lot of magnificent music on my i-Pod, and I'm rocking to and from work like a mad teenager these days. May also possibly be due to the fabilous weather we're having these days - I love it!!!

Karin said...

A visit to England sure would be nice, actually miss it. But not because of any dancing, I didn't do much of that while living there...
Dancing is much nicer here I think!