Monday, March 26, 2007

Divide Et Impera

In danger of being stamped as a complete nut case, I'll once again bring up the subject of my somewhat split mind. In almost everything I encounter, be it academically or personal, I tend to look at it from at least two points. That is usually a good thing - being inquisitive and critical makes me able to come up with well founded answers or solutions to most challenges.

But the problem starts when "they" (the different parts of my mind) won't work together, or one of them simply goes AWOL. (Remember this is merely metaphorically speaking, I'm not suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder...) Today this is really bad, as I need to come up with an idea for our semester project in HCI Design. How on earth am I to contrive some innovative and exciting design, when I right now am sooo fed up with computers? I know this is only temporary, but days like these, when sun shines and we're looking forward to the warmest March in history, I really don't see the point in providing my umbrella with a computer chip to make it automatically unfold at a certain level of humidity in the air...

What I (or at least that unfaithful dissenter who thinks he's ruling my mind today) mean, is that today I'm not in the mood for making yet another part of our daily life computerized. So if anyone has a really brilliant idea, let me (us, hah-hah...) know, will you?

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