Tuesday, March 20, 2007


If things go well, I'll reveal "the secret" on Friday...


Toril said...

Secrets are horrid!! Could you tell me first please?? And I don't want to hear that you are moving to Sweden or some other Timbuktu country - ok?? However, look forward to see you tomorrow, it's been too long!! In the meantime, take care of your beautiful self :)

Karin said...

This is so much fun, but relax, I'm not moving away. And maybe this isn't fair; building up your "expectations" by talking about "the secret" this way. It's not that exciting. Other people do it all the time...

Karin said...

I can give you a hint, Toril. quoting one of my favorite authors: "A decision like this is usually made in solitude, 'cause most people would normally try to talk you out of it"

(And you, Union King, you've probably guessed it by now. That last clue was way too easy for you...)