Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Crossing My Fingers

I decided to visit Synnøve today before todays lecture; haven't seen her since our famous Champagne party. Haven't seen Toril either, but wasn't expecting to see her, now that she's moved on to working life. But guess who walked in the door? She's up for her oral exam today, hence the headline. We're all crossing our fingers for her, but I'm sure she'll be fine, despite having a nasty flue on top of it all. Go girl!


Toril said...

Thank you, precious!!! As you already know it went well, and I'm happier than a pig in mud ;)

I can't believe I'm finished - an era is over....

Rableriet said...

Torill er den beste, og me er så stolte av ho ;)

Karin said...

Again, congratulations on your well earned degree! Inspiring, indeed.

Ja, så absolutt!!!

Toril said...

Tusen takk, Synnøve - det var altfor snilt, men jeg tar imot jeg, og med et stort SMIL!!!

Thank you very much both of you! You have been a great source of motivation through the entire master ordeal, and I appreciate it vastly!!!

I almost feel empty... Can't believe I'm not going to spend my entire life in room 304 anymore, and possibly the worst part of it is that I already miss it!! Am I strange or what???

Remember girls, it's up to us to stay in touch now, and I'm planning a dinner - want to come? I'll feed you well - he, he!

Toril's cooking again, which means the neighborhood will smell like garlic and onions for a day or three ;)

Karin, a question for you. Did you put the sunset into the banner permanently now since I get it each time I visit your blog, or is it just a coincidence?? You know how much I love sunsets and sailboats...

Karin said...

Nope, haven't done any permanent changes to the banner, maybe it's just that you get what you want if you wish for it strongly enough...

And dinner sounds good, I guess we'll need some wine to go with that?

Toril said...

Dinner without wine is not a dinner - you know that, don't you??

Karin said...

Stupid me!!! Thank you for stating the bleeding obvious.