Friday, March 02, 2007

Spring Cleaning

I know it's not quite spring yet, but it's easy to be fooled by a sun shining so brightly as today. And when you hear all the kids playing outside the feeling gets even stronger.

It has been Winter break here now for the schools, and we're at the university also had a break. Well, no lectures that is, and they do call it study time which sort of implies what I've should have been doing... But I'm more than usual fed up with the reading, and today I really missed my "old life". I miss having time to sew and be creative, I miss cooking nice meals for two or for a party.

I already confessed to not be studying as hard as I should, but I did something else which was useful and also reminded me of my previous life as a housewife. (The fact that my ex husband claimed that I never was any good at it is totally beside the point.) I cleaned the floors. I worked them with my steam cleaner and a microfiber cloth, and what a nice feeling that is - clean surfaces and fresh air from outside.

Maybe that goes for my self as well? This week I got rid of some old stains and cob webs in my mind, and made (even more) room for new opportunities. Think I'm on the right track here, and that feels sooo good.


Toril said...

I wish I had some of your energy as I've been thinking about spring cleaning and washing windows, but I just can't find the time. Either I organize my time wrongly, or there simply isn't enough time in my new life....

Right now I'm struggling with a nasty cold and a fever, and had to stay home from work today :( I didn't get any better in the course of the day, so I'm heading for another day at home tomorrow since my colleagues and students would not appreciate a person contaminated with a nasty cold and flu in their near vicinity!!

I'll read my thesis since my oral exam is galloping towards me. Help!!

Karin said...

That's right, you're still having your oral... It's so easy to forget, especially since we had all that champagne!

But it's nice to hear from you and you new life, I'm sure you'll be up and fighting again soon.

And you don't have to feel that bad about your not having time to clean, I wasn't that efficient... I'm doing a lot of things the "easy way" these days.