Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Time Machine

Most people love to travel, and a couple of weeks ago we traveled in the three dimensions of space, by the means of computer technology and Google Earth. Last night we travelled into the fourth dimension, this time aided by YouTube. By simply putting our minds a few decades back, and type in relevant search criteria, we could watch old episodes of Dave Allen, Monty Python, Not The Nine O'clock News and videos of ancient rock stars. We're talking the seventies here... And who won't laugh at the Swedish Chef from the Muppet Show?

H.G. Wells (1866–1946) said in the first chapter of The Time Machine from 1898: "There is no difference between time and any of the three dimensions of space except that our consciousness moves along it."

Wonderful evening, and I could swear I was still sixteen when I left the building. But maybe that had more to do with my travel companion than anything else...


Anonymous said...

I must admit I felt a bit "sixteenish" myself - or was it "twentysomething" perhaps? ;)
It's fun travelling the world with you - geographically, culturally and otherwise.
There's still a lot of the world we haven't seen yet.

Karin said...

So, in which dimension are we traveling next? I'm happy to let you steer the ship, commander...