Saturday, April 29, 2006

All Grown Up Now

They did it, they managed to fool me. And even if I'm sometimes overly naive, that's not an easy task. I knew something was going on, my youngest daughter suddenly had mysterious phonecalls and talked in codes with her older sister, and when a friend of mine told us to be ready to be picked up at 7.30 pm on my birthday - of course I knew they had something planned. What I didn't know, but I thought a lot about it, wondered if I could act surprised if I had to. Didn't want to disappoint them.

The brain behind this scheme got me though, had everything staged meticulously, and my surprise was genuine when I stepped into her living room. When we first arrived there, she met us outside dressed more or less ordinary, and just casually told us that she were to go upstairs and change. Just come on inside, she said. I had expected to meet my oldest daughter there, and perhaps my son. I looked forward to some coffee and cake. Not that I hadn't pictured some alternatives, but I wasn't sure how she would be able to arrange them. I have many friends and acquaintances who usually never meet, and perhaps don't even know of each other.

A fantastic table was set, and around it my best freiends were gathered. My oldest daughter and her lovely boyfriend were there too. Some friends were missing, but only because they couldn't make it. All this for me! Thank you, my darling C. The best gift was to know I have friends and family who actually knows me, and do their best to make me happy. One of those missing I talked to on the phone earlier today, and she told me to be good to myself. "Say something nice to yourself today!" she almost ordered me. So here's one if you're reading this, K:

-I'm quite alright, and I'm worth all good things.


Think I'll be 40 next year too...


Anonymous said...

Lucky girl!! Wish I could have been there to celebrate with you :) I'm sure it was an awesome party, and you certainly deserve it!!!

Nothing like a network of GOOD friends, I simply would die without them. They are always there for you when you need them the most, never mind our children!!!! They are a precious gift to mankind that cannot be compared to anything in the hole entire world.

What is left of your "wish list", Karin?? I'm thinking a physical gadget now since I'm not a magician, unfortunately ;)

Could I buy you a nice lunch or dinner this week, maybe?? Time off from the lunatic world of reading and writing?? Maybe too optimistic since I seem to remember you have some deadlines looming above your head!!

You know where I am, so let me know!!

Karin said...

That's right, you should have been there. They did some scheming behind my back (!) and went through my mobile phonebook, and somehow Anne couldn't find you, but she did try. The party was a really odd happening in a way. I'll tell you all about it soon. They did get hold of some other important friends...

Lunch sounds fantastic, but as you recalled so correctly I have some papers to hand in. By Friday 1 pm, which means I'm free after that, regardless if I have something to hand in or not!

Could that work for you, my dear magician?

Anonymous said...

Lunch on Friday sounds good to me :) If you would rather have some Thai or Chinese the following week we can do that instead, it's entirely up to you 40 something ;)

I'm off to Godøysund over the weekend, so I'll be occupied on most weekends, sailing season is here, hurrah!!!!

How is your writing coming along? Have you found the flow yet??

Karin said...

Initially I thought it would be nicer to celebrate as soon as possible (Not me, the exam!), and then I have to hit the Java next week. But of course, if you're sailing away on Friday it might work better for you midweek? It's no problem, and I probably need it as well, to take a break from programming. So actually it's up to you. I'm a coward as always, hate taking decisions. But if I had to, I'd say Friday just 'cause I miss you!

Anonymous said...

I think we need lunch on Friday, I've found a lunch and wine bar we need to check out ;) Lets say 1 o'clock on Friday, and if you're finished earlier, we'll change the time accordingly :)

Karin said...

I'm looking forward to it already, good motivation for working! And I need it; finished one paper, which I'm in a strange way feel good about, even if it's not what they're after. Ghosts has been really stimulating to work with. The other one however is a bit harder, it's a poem and I have a slight aversion to analyse poetry since it's so subjective. Need to get more distant and abstract.

Not much time left though...