Friday, April 28, 2006

Not 30 Something Anymore

This is a day I'll encounter with mixed emotions. I have never minded getting older, where I'm from age isn't such an issue. But turning 40 today makes feel sad in a way, and that's not because of the actual years. 41 will be fine. The 40th birthday is something you might celebrate quite lavishly, but in my current situation I won't, and that's a brutal reminder how different things turned out.

For all of you who don't know me though, I must say in honesty I'd rather prefer it this way. Birthday or not.


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GORGEOUS!!!!!!!! I'm glad you reminded me, with a 3 year old in the house I'm occupied from dusk to dawn - HARD work!!!!

A brutal reminder of how life turns out or not - 40 it is!! I suggest you celebrate lavishly together with your family, and when exams are over WE need to do something FUN! More like "hæla i taket, og tennene i tapeten".....

I celebrated my 40th quietly together with Geir and a few close friends - sailing ofcourse. It was a magnificent day, with a breathtaking sunset I'll never forget. Look - the sun is shining for YOU today, and I bet the sunset will be as magnificent as mine!!!

Had planned to sail to Godøysund today, but with strong winds heading this way we may have to delay it for a day since we are sailing with a 3 year old and a 10 year old :)

Enjoy your day, and being 40 something is GREAT ;)

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. I hope you have a great day and even a nice weekend,as it is Friday. leave house work till another day and do something you would like to do. You give us so much fun and food for thought with your blogg. We should throw you a party!!!!!!

Karin said...

Had it only been housework that keeps piling up; duedates for assignments are approaching like the speed of my thoughts.

But I'll take the evening off at least, I've got a mystery invitation...

Thank you very much anyway! :)