Monday, April 03, 2006

Dreamy Painting

Déjà vu? No, not really. I did blog this image only a few days ago, but that time I just wanted to accompany the post with a nice and suitable picture. This time it's about the picture.

My youngest daughter came home today, after having spent the weekend with her father. The computer was on, with my blog on top, and the 13-year old sat down and read some. She said:

"Mum, this is really weird. I dreamt about this painting tonight, and I know I haven't seen it before. In my dream I was standing somewhere with a lot of people hurrying by, and silently watched the painting. What's even more odd is that I felt something was missing, 'cause these two weren't there!"

She pointed at the Philosopher and the Woman.


Anonymous said...

It is a reflective picture that can have several meanings. Your daughter seems to be missing the comfortable home scene where both her parents are there. As they say, it's all about the children.

By the way, it was snow until the weekend.... but it's gone up to +14 C. Time to get out the spring camping gear!!!!

Anonymous said...

Now that's spooky!! Have you got any explanations, or does your family have some sort of psychic powers??

This brings me back to childhood dreams and psychic powers. You see, I've had a few dreams that have come through as well. The first time as a young child, and later with other stuff that I will not be scrutinize here. Turns out it's in the family – dreams that come true!!

This is different though, deeper and more intelligent! Maybe the two of you are connected mentally in incomprehensible ways?? Having studied Freud in previous semesters, I must admit this is intriguing and exhilarating indeed ;o)

Karin said...

Anonymous: Did you miss the point here? Besides, a home isn't necessarily comfortable just because both parents are there. Maybe you're lucky enough not to have experienced how bad it can be.

Toril: Well, I know I felt extremely connected to her this weekend, and in fact I think I gave her the best gift ever. She'll be aloud to choose! (You know what I'm talking about.) As soon as I knew what I had to do, I could feel her joy even before she was told. It made me feel extremely light, and I just know we're over the worst.

Anonymous said...

I guess I did miss the point. Mysterious indeed! But hey! haven't got the weekend cobwebs blown out yet. :)