Monday, April 03, 2006

To Run Or Not To Run - That Is The Question

I'm so happy once again to know I'm right. Pretentious? You could say that, but don't get me wrong. This is what's right for me, not necessarily for everbody else. I'll try to explain.

In my world I'd rather do things by choice, not by force. Imagine you're in really bad shape, lacking energy and drained for any drive or initiative. There are two ways to fight this, and by all means, I wouldn't claim one better than the other. First you could listen to the others and get your body moving, force yourself out to the woods, the gym or whatever. Soon you'd discover that your energy level is getting higher and your spirit too. I know this in theory, and I have made some attempt at it too. I mean, walked or run the bike just because I knew "It'll do me good". And sure it felt alright, but at the same time I also knew that if I felt better inside first I would want to run. Even enjoy getting exhausted. Previously I haven't been able to prove my theory, there was always someone nagging. But now? I'm running like the wind! Not literally, I'm in far too bad shape for that, but the point is I want to!

You who have been following my ups and downs (or should we say downs and not so downs?) might wonder what has happened? Do you believe me if I say; nothing really? But that's more or less true, 'cause the change has taken place inside. The external parameters ruling my existence haven't changed that much. Only three years of thinking and brooding has finally paid off.

As I'm reading through this (been away for an hour doing something else), I realize I'm not sure if there's a point to this story. But I don't care, think I'll post it anyway. Or maybe, it's coming to me now... It's not a matter of right or wrong, it's a matter of respect. You can't tell other people what to do, you can only help by sharing your own experiences and give advice. You should only inspire someone to change, not try to force it. Always remember that even if it worked for you, it might not be the solution for everyone.

Go for a run? No let's not push it, I really hate jogging. But I would love to play some squash, the second most fun activity to get sweaty from...


Anonymous said...

What can i say
I think many people is in the same situation like you, for example myself.
I have tried to go to gym, running, walking, swiming and so on because alot of people says: you need to excersise and move your body, but for me this was extremly boring. (and if something is boring or if someone pushing you to do it,you will not doing it for so very long time)

I haven´t tried this thing once or twice i have tried to get body in good shape for very long time.
(15 year or something like that)

But for a half year i found it !

I have starting to play tennis with a old good friend who was on
my very lousy level.

I dont think we are any stars but we have fun and if you have fun
you will do it so often that you can. I can not say that i have more energy right now but i like to play tennis and im feeling good afterwards.

So my conclusion is,
do something you think is fun,

Why not find someone to play squash on your level with,
i think their is alot of people feeling like you so try to
find a training partner.
its worth to try it,
or maybe ?????


Karin said...

Yeah, fun is the keyword. And that should go for everything we do. I don't believe that something is more worth just because you suffered. That's a pietistic attitude which is, I'm sorry to say, far too common. Especially here in Norway.

Had an hour in the gym this morning, before breakfast. How about that? Hard to believe I actually worked out three times a week when I lived in Australia, but that was fun then. Scary how easily you can decline.

Coffee next week?

Anonymous said...

Clever girl!! Which reminds me, I need to stop all the domestic painting and get back to the gym! Nevermind the jogging, I really miss my run through the forest!

Another week or so of painting, and I should be back to normal. That is, after the Easter R&R - I plan to read a substantial amount of pages, so keep me in your prayers ;o)

Three years of thinking isn't really that long, you know! What's important is that we find ourselves in the process, and can live life to the fullest afterwards. One day you might wonder what the heck was going on in your mind, but then you can read your blog and conclude that it was a necessary and vital process. Our minds need time to unveil :o)