Sunday, April 02, 2006

Another Late Night Posting

It's late,and I don't have that much to say really, but I do have a funny picture that I got via e-mail. Thanks!

I guess it could mean that it's never too late to stop the ones that are trying to swollow you.


Karin said...

I try to live by that the best I can; to NEVER GIVE UP.

I've been visiting your blog before, but now it struck me that a friend of mine, presently working on her Master, might not be aware of your writing. Hope you don't mind me "sending" her in your direction.

Thanks for stopping by, welcome again!

Anonymous said...

I've seen Chris commenting on Angela's blog, and I don't understand why I haven't visited his blog - stupid me!! I better have a look, a teacher in what? English like Angela? I better look :) It doesn't really matter though, I love educational blogs, and I suppose I should since I write my master thesis on it....

Karin, the picture is awesome, I've felt like that a few times, believe me!!!!!!!

But as Chris says, it's worth fighting for even if it leaves a few scars (even many, if you ask me). I also think my scars, as deep as they are, have taught me a lot about life, and most importantly how to treat others with kindness and respect! In addition, they have undoubtedly lead me down the right path - the path to freedom and a wonderful education!!

But, I'm a wounded animal, and have learnt to watch my steps, and I always look across my shoulders. Danger looms everywhere, although as you know, I'm by no means paranoid! Life's too good for that ;o)

Karin said...

Thanks Toril for reminding me about "the Scar Theme". A while ago I made some reflections upon the subject, but with no lasting(!) result. I think I'll cut a little deper into that.