Saturday, April 08, 2006

Weird Encounters

If I tried to explain what have happened this last week, you wouldn't believe me, so I won't try. But I have a friend whom I tell most things to, and after the last one she said:

"Well, that settles it. Write the book!"

Hm, we'll have to see about that, but I'm in a very weird state now. It's like calm before the storm, and a good storm it'll be. Maybe the perfect one. And I'll wait.


Anonymous said...

It's when it's coming at you from all angles and directions that it's difficult to keep quiet, never mind all the thinking and energy you put into it. I believe a book would do wonders for you, but you'll need time... Maybe you could start this summer? You see, I'm convinced that once you've started there will be nothing stopping you before you have it accepted and published at some "up-town" publisher ;)

You can write better than most of us, and you DO have a story to tell. I think you may be surpressing the need to write, actually. Wouldn't it be wonderful to spend a winter in a light house, and do nothing but read and talk philsophy, and above all WRITE??

Come to think of it, I do have some issues I should write about myself, and who knows - one day when I finally graduate - I may join you in that light house ;)

Karin said...

Almost spooky, but if you read the post from today "Same Old Magazine" you understand. 'Cause I read this comment only seconds after I published that post!

Anonymous said...

Soul mates often have a telephatic relationship :) which I think may be the case here!!

Enjoy your new book, I have a feeling you'll love it ;) Books that we buy which aren't part of the curricula are bought for a reason, and certainly to be immensely enjoyed :o) Should be a delighful read on the train home!!

Karin said...

Telepathy, now that's an appealing thought. Would certainly shrink the phonebill, if nothing else. :) The lighthouse and writing, what about that? Could that be what I saw when I made the picture in the Grey Sky post? Just have to set sail and cross the water first, but it looks calm enough...

Anonymous said...

Well, there was a lighthouse at the tip of land in the picture.

Karin said...

I know, I put it there...

Anonymous said...

So what does it look like inside?

Karin said...

Serene, spacious, and with a fabulous view.