Wednesday, April 12, 2006


A woman with sore feet is no joke, and now I'm taking the train home to mom. These are the words I sent to my brother when I decided I was too tired to do anything with him later in the afternoon. Once again I had let vanity defeat practicality and wore high heals for my day in town. Stupid? You could say that.

Before I got tired I had lunch with my brother at the largest indoor market we have here in Gothenburg, and that was very nice and also very suitable for a students wallet. Not only because he was buying, even the poorest could afford a meal there. 30-40 SEK (4-5 USD) for a bowl of your favourite soup, including bread roll and refill! We then had a great dobbel lungo at one of the innumerous coffeeplaces around and after that my brother returned to work. Rejuvinated with caffeine I went on my own to Lerverk, a ceramics cooperative, and did a little promoting. That could turn out to be interesting.

And then I did all this walking. Up and down, from bookstore to bookstore, and the rain kept pouring. (I got one book though, Russels Turkey. It's not yet translated into English, but it might very well be, I have a feeling this is a good one. Poirier is a philosopher who here writes about science as a phenomenon constructed by humans, sometimes driven by single geniuses and at other times by broad researchprograms. As it says on the back of the cover "Russels Turkey becomes a intellectual toolbox, for use at keeping science, religion, culture and individual peoples ideas apart - as far as this is possible.")

In the end all I wanted was a hug, it's kind of miserable to be alone when I want to share this beautiful town with someone I care for. Oops, enough. So I took the the train home...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW, you finally made it to Sweden! Great stuff!!