Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Real Men

Ah, it's all coming back to me now. I had forgotten how much I enjoy watching this game, but icehockey truly is entertaining. The reason for not paying any attention to the sport while living in Norway is quite simple - the Norwegians really suck at it! The Swedes on the other hand play this game rather successfuly, and the Olympic Gold medal from Tourin did go to them. Also I couldn't have chosen a better time for refreshing my memory, 'cause these days they're playing the finals here; best out of seven games. My hometeam "Frölunda Indians" are playing against "Färjestad" and they lost the first game. But tonight they played brilliantly and won 6-1! These players are real men, no vain models like the soccerplayers. These guys sweat for real and let their facial hair grow. Icehockey is about speed, technique and power. It's about skill combined with brutal force. Like I said, it's all coming back to me, I suddenly remembered how many hours I've spent in a cold indoor ice rink.

I "stole" a picture again, this time from Gilbert Art.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Must admit I don't know much about this game, it's rather alien to say the least! It's immensely popular in Canada, and I seem to recall that the two countries (Sweden and Canada, that is) compete against each other on regular basis at Olympic Games and World Championships, right?? I watched a game at the Olympics in Lillehammer, but didn't really enjoy it much.

My nephew in Canada played it for many years, and loves it as much as you do. Unfortunately he's just "a little" too young for you, he, he :)

Enjoy your ice hockey games, Karin. You deserve to have lots of FUN!!!!!