Tuesday, April 11, 2006

We're Here Now

This morning when I woke up my daughter she gave me a smile I haven't seen for a very long time. "You're happy?" I asked her. "Yes," she replied, "we're here now." To see her this content is priceless, I don't mind if I'll fail all my exams if only she's happy. Well, that might be an exaggeration, I don't intend to fail, but you know what I mean. Right now she's over at the neighbours where the sheep are lambing, and later this week she'll be spending a LOT of time at Göteborg Horse Show, lucky girl. And what am I going to do? Try to relax, even if it's hard. Have an exam only days after returning home, and a gutfeeling that something else nasty is waiting for me. But there's nothing I can do about it now, just dig my nose into Discrete Mathematics for Computing, and hope for the best. I hope I'm on the wrong track here regarding any unwanted predicaments, and it'll all turn out to be one of my regular paranoias. Until then I'll keep smiling and enjoy my stay here in Sweden. Tomorrow I'll be heading to town for a healthy dose of cultural and culinary refill with friends and family. And a visit to my favourite second hand record shop is a must...


Anonymous said...

Karin, I love the picture!! Actually looks like me when I visit farms... (almost) I used to help my friend herd goats on numerous summer vacations, and I absolutely adored the animals,and the job involved :)

I'm so pleased about Anne, she truly deserves to be surrounded by her Swedish family and have fun with neighbors, lambing sheep, and horses. I know there is absolutely nothing better than seeing your children happy. Only then do I find peace at heart and soul!!

Don't worry about gut feelings, and possiby unwanted predicaments waiting for you at home. It may be, as you say, all in your head, and if it isn't it is meant to be. In the long run you will discover that you have learnt a lot from the experience, as painful as it's been.

I must sound like a despised "besser wisser", but I know you'll find the ultimate happiness eventually. Don't ask me how I know, I just sense it, and my sense is frightening accurate - most of the time!! Be patient, my dear friend ;)

Read and study if you have time, but most of all

Relax and Enjoy Yourself

Karin said...

What can I say, but it's comforting to know someone got faith even if I don't.