Summer hit like an H-bomb a couple of days ago, totally ignorant of such factors as Springtime. Bombers usually behave like that, not taking any conciderations to how, where and when. In this case we're just enjoying it though, but it's kind of strange stepping out of your boots in the evening and in to your slippers next morning.
I'm riding a wave now that I'd like stay on for a while. After handing in my essays friday I had a most wonderful lunch with my friend Toril; her treat, since it was my birthday a week ago. But as if that wasn't enough, she gave me some lovely jewellery. Very nice indeed!
When she headed back to the University, and her thesis, I wasn't really sure how to spend the afternoon. I had nothing planned, and no children waiting for me at home. Suddenly the phone rang, and another friend of mine was on the line. She was originally supposed to be in Oslo, but was obstructed at the very last moment. Lucky for me, and we ended up having a fantastic afternoon in the sun downtown, drinking cappuchino and eating icecream. Cheap entertainment, it is, watching all these odd people mingling there.
Where on earth am I going with this? As it seems, I haven't got a clue, and so far it has nothing to do with the heading. That shouldn't be to hard too see, right? I think I had a thought initially, but as I saved this post as a draft and went away for a few hours, something must have happened along the way. Maybe it was the temperature, 'cause it has not only been an average Norwegian summers day, but hot as well. Too bad you can't save those brilliant thoughts as drafts. I have tried, but usually I don't remember what I was thinking and those fragments, brief notes or keywords look absolutely pointless when returning to them. I'm sure though, it will emerge sooner or later, just not on command.
Then it's good to always carry something to write on, and a pen of course. The last item I had with me today, but while waiting outside the sports centre for the next game to begin, suddenly a poem popped up in my head, and the back of a shopping reciept had to suffice! I only wrote the first stanza, and if it ever is going to be finished still remains unknown. If so, and if I'm happy with it, I might share it with you.
Ok, so now I'm slowly getting closer to the subject I had in mind. 'Cause obviously you'd write poetry with words. Normally anyway. I could argue for some art being poetry, but that's a different topic all together.
Even now I'm not sure where I'm heading, but if you're still reading, at least it looks you're interested to see if I'll ever get there? Or maybe you're just nourishing a hope you finally would be able to say: "Now she's lost it, it really doesn't make any sense what she's writing!" Feel free, i don't mind.
Or I could just start over. As simple as that.
I love words. I never seem to tire from playing around with them. Or think about how to use them. Or write them. And then think about them. And then again wonder if you are playing with them and thinking about how I used them.
Anyways. It has all been said and written before, yet again it hasn't. Everytime could mean just a subtle change, and even if I wrote the exact same words, my thoughts and inspiration would be different from any previous writers'. More or less. Let's try it out:
"I slept well yesterday."
Quite an innocent and ordinary sentence, one would say. Or maybe not? Usually you'd sleep at night, wouldn't you? I googled these words, and got more than 10700000 hits and none of the top ones came back verbatim. So why these words? I wanted someone to know, via SMS, I had a very nice evening even though I fell asleep for a while. (I wasn't the only one, excuse me!) So I wanted to say I slept well at night too, because I was aloud to relax enough to fall asleep in company. Or maybe it was just all the sun we had all day?
Words are powerful. Twisting and bending them can be a risky business. But, oh, so intriguing. I have absolute respect for the written word, and at the same time no respect at all. Anything you write, can, and will be, used against you, in a court of love. And beware, I'm sharpening up my (s)words, loading up my literary guns and aiming for you!
And I also found out that I'm a psychic, but I'll tell you all about that later.
Not to be taken too seriously, just another amusing story...